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Scylez, i dont even know if you're reading this but, please add maybe some random NPC to building... kinda strange its empty


love the size play option... inflation/expansion in a rave scene is sooo hot

can i ask why the mobile version was removed?

Is the game still being updated?

is it possible to touch the characters on the computer and which button?

It is still being updated every now and then when I've got the time to do it but it's not a big focus of mine at the moment. It's a super basic game at the moment so unfortunately there's no touching unless you're in VR

Really good i will keep an eye on it ^^


Very good actually, but we need more m a l e s

Yeah, I know! I'm not a 3D artist, and the majority of furry model makers like the ladies way more. But I have a few more now to include. This game has been very slowly getting a very big overhaul when I need a break from other projects. 

I played this before and the controls for the android version were not enabled.  Has this been resolved?

Almost! I fixed this but also was adding in support for controllers, a few more features, and a couple other quality of life improvements before I posted an update. It will be up here very soon :)

Ok thanks for getting back to me.

Poderia colocar um modo de andar no mapa??


Could you do a SFW version? That would be helpful for my eyes XD


I've got another update planned for this game with more models and dances, and then one more after that, and I think I'll be going all in with the NSFW theme. The sfw bits aren't simply disable-able sadly. I could cover them up by adding censoring but the lewdness is almost the point of the game. It's still possible although big censor bars probably aren't what you had in mind x3

I was thinking probably at the very least

Maybe if you could plan to add multiplayer or the entire city in the game.  To play it like Wildlife?

Just forgot you have that other game.

Now that I added this character I think I will  be adding more as well and I'd love to turn it into more of a "game". I could even do sex animations like in wildlife, although they wouldn't be nearly as good but still decent. It just takes time but I would love to add these features.

I've only ever added multiplayer into one of my games before that never released (it was kinda buggy) but it'd be great to add it here. That would for sure be after giving the rest of the game a makeover though.

Quite lovely, especially considering it is/was just a side project!


Really impressive stuff!, idk how else to describe it, good stuff! You nailed the legs, head, torso, crotch and tail (least for the male <3). One thing I will say is that I think there needs to be more joints/bones/whatever you manipulate in the arms, the elbow to shoulder bit seems fixed and clips into the model sometimes.

Really good for a little side project though, hope you had fun making it, I definitely enjoyed watching! :D


I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3 :D Hot is perfect and just what I was going for. It sounds like a success so far for such a little thing. I definitely enjoyed making it. If I get an idea I'll maybe expand on it in the future. Thank you for checking it out. I'm sure Scylez enjoyed performing for you very much ^^


Uuuh...ufff...nice 3d model....just.....ähm.....yeah....add sound....and...ähm...idk....make the moves more realistic....