Aww :3 thank you for such a kind heartwarming comment. I'm glad my game could give you such a worthwhile experience and left you with such a good impression. I always say this but when I hear feedback like this it really makes all the work worth it and is the whole reason I want to make game like this in the first place. I'll take all your well wishes and put all my effort into making the next one even better! Thank you for playing and for giving my game a shot :3
Thank you :) There are a couple plans to add a few more small scenes to the game, but no new major endings. Atti and Nava each have a bonus and lewd scene so it's unlikely they'll receive more content sadly, but not impossible.
I stumbled acros this game by clicking on an advertisment...and I absolutly loved it! I rushed trough it faster than i should and ended up with Scylez as final love....but i only got his first date? where did i messed up not to get a second? I really think i missed out something here^^
Yay, gald to know the ad worked XD but I'm even more glad to hear you enjoyed the game and stayed to play until the end. Let's see, in order to get Scylez's second date, you'll first need to see the first date by accepting his invitation at the end of Scene 2. Then in Scene 9 let Blinki choose the food and this will give you some alone time with Scylez. Then the next day he'll invite you on a second date. Hope that helps! And thank you so much for playing and commenting :)
Ahhh...and i thought let Scylez choose so he may like you more, well in that case I know what to do the next time i'm gonna play Chasing Tail. Thanks for replying, and keep up the good work, i will definetly try out more games of yours :)
I really love the personality and design of all the characters mostly Liukhalo. Was wondering if you could tell me the species of the adorable feline Liukhalo
Thanks! And sorry for the late reply. Liukhalo is supposed to be a rare breed of exotic cat in the game that's not very well known. There was actually some talk recently about giving a little more info on that species in the game world or maybe changing the species name. Nothing official has been done yet, but I would like to make a little more info on him and his species specifically and tie it into the world lore more :)
One of the unfortunate side effects of the web version is lower fidelity on just about all the in game sprites and sadly the flowcharts seem to have gotten the worst of it. But on the PC version (and even the phone version I believe) they are much more readable. It was on my list to clean them up a little but I think that might require a re-do of how they're taken care of in game so it's been lower on my priority list sadly. Maybe I'll make them available somewhere else online though soon for this issue specifically.
Heya. Absolutely love the game. 10/10. I'm just curious on how to get the Scylez ending? Is there anything beyond just getting his two dates?
And again. This game is amazing. It gives off a bit of an early 2000s rpg kinda vibe with the world exploring segments. The story is wonderful, and the characters are all amazing. Love all of them. Can't wait for the sequel!
Thank you so much! Really glad and overjoyed you enjoyed the game so much and it's always awesome to hear people's thoughts about it :3 Thank you for playing it, trying it out, and leaving a comment here. It's really fun to read them. There was a lot of thought and planning put into the characters so I'm glad it all paid off! Hoping to make the sequel just as good too and so far I've been having a great time creating the plot and starting the writing. I'm really excited to create the new game and do this whole thing all over again.
The most influential way to get the Scylez ending is seeing both of his dates, however there are a few other factors that can also affect his affection score. If you're playing with the exploration sections, finding some "gamer gear" clothing can boost it a little bit. Staying at his apartment in 1_12, calling the scalie squad neat in 2_1, saying you need a purpose in 9_4, and telling Drackey the truth in 18_4 will also contribute to this. As long as his score is higher than everyone else's you should grab his ending. I hope this helps!
Don't worry, we're going to do the whole thing again with the sequel :) I'll have the first new update to post hopefully next month and a super bug riddled early look is on patreon (no membership required x3) so we'll ramp everything up again soon!
What you need to do is take her story when searching her apartment in scene 8 and this will open up an option later to see her first date right after. Then after scene 12 when Izzy invites you to hang out, accept. This leads into the second date. Once on the date, give her the box that Corsica gave you.
Hello! I'm a good fan of this game and have been playing it over and over and was wondering: how do I get to Kase's first date? I assume the second one will come naturally after the first one at some point, but I cannot get to the first one.
Sure I can let you know. The first date will come if you pick the Gym in scene 7. You'll hang out with Kase and play racquetball. The date will only activate if you have enough affection with him, so to ensure this, return his fist bumps, stay and talk with him at the mall, and stand up for Corsica to the other racquetball team. Then his second date will follow scene 17 if you stop Radolf from intruding on your conversation. Hope that helps! Let me know if you need anything else!
Thanks a lot, I really enjoyed that second date heheheheheh... As for the help, I wouldn't mind any tips on how to meet that kind stranger mentioned in the panel that shows which events transpired and which didn't.
As for criticism, all I have to say is, although the story is compelling, I do not find it fit for this type of game. I found that I enjoyed the parts that were more "slice of life" rather than the general stuff that happens (especially in the last few chapters).
Also I think it would be cool if there were more nsfw scenes. Not that I'm saying that there aren't enough, I'm just saying that sometimes, something random and unexpected could happen :3 (outside of bonus scenes).
Anyway, I liked this game a lot, had lot's of fun playing it, and am really excited for the sequel
Thanks :D I'm glad you enjoyed the game enough to give it a shot and write a little review! I understand your criticism too. During production I kinda had two directions I was going in. The "Main Questline" and then side content like the slice of life stuff. I tried to make it an even split between the two. I thought too much of the main quest might feel like a linear experience, but also I was afraid too much slice of life might feel like there's no goal, so I tried to balance it out as much as I could ^^ but all that being said I'm sure there's still preference for one or the other with a lot of people and hope to make a satisfying sequel!
Also yes XD I'd like to add in more NSFW stuff if possible. I had a few plans for some rando occurrences early in the game, and who knows, maybe if I get super ambitious I might still add them in. There are two specifically that I wanted to add, but getting the artwork for them is my biggest roadblock. But now that the game is largely done maybe I'll put focus on having more of that in the sequel.
I have to say that this is an amazing game! Honestly there are very few VN's out there that I have seen that have a good story and good character background but this has both. Looking forward to a sequel, and hoping the second is as good as the first!
Thank you so much for the kind feedback! It means a lot to me. I've got some exciting work done on the sequel and I'm so looking forward to having a blast creating that as well :D I'm really glad you enjoyed the game <3
This game is certainly very engaging with the amount of options that is available. I will be playing this game for quite some time. However, I think as many have commented before, a walkthrough/guide would be nice due to the amount of choices that are available. Looking forward to your sequel and if it is as good as this, I will definitely support you on Pateron when I start working properly.
I've been loving this game it's super fun and detailed as well as super interesting. The only problem I've had is a few of the dialog options have been pretty vague, my best example that I can remember is when Scylez breaks Dracky's ______ and you have "you have a right to be angry." and "try to understand." for me its a mix of both, I'd say "you have a right to be angry but try to understand where he's coming from." so for me it was a split choice but after picking both there was very clear option. So I'd say just try and make them more clear even just a "side with dracky." or "side with scylez." for that one could make it more clear. Aside from that It's a super fun game and i love all the different relationships. :)
Thanks for the feedback and trying out the game! :D I'm really glad you've been enjoying it and having a good time. I've been really ramping up trying to do some bug squishing lately to make it a polished experience. I think I could definitely change those dialogue options to make things more clear. Sometimes it is a little challenging to convey exactly what they'll do and i've gone back and forth before trying to choose the best one XD so this isn't the first time I've had to alter one to make the decision a little more clear. but thank you for the feedback and thank you a ton for playing! <3 It means a lot to hear your feedback and read comments like yours
Its a fine line between giving the reader a nod vs telling them what is said word for word lol. I'm sure you'll strike a balance. aside from that I really do love this game and can't wait to see where it'll end up.
Heya! I just finished the game, and I got Blinki's ending, he really is just a precious bean ;^;. I loved it and I'm definitely gonna play it again! But I noticed a few bugs and such
- in several of the scenes right at the beginning of the scene, the text will cut off in the middle of the sentence and repeat it from the beginning of the paragraph (ex. He was a gHe was a good man yada yada).
- the bonus scene where Atti gets a virus is broken (Hero's Hideout's Hero). If you do everything right it'll cut off right before the scene ends and take you back to the beginning of the scene and you get stuck in a loop unless you make different choices
- Izzy doesn't seem to have a second date? Either that or I just can't figure out how to get it. It's also not in the flowcharts. It's really hard to get affection points for her, especially enough to get her ending, but I'll keep trying
- There's a few continuity errors throughout, but these are just minor details (eg you play a scene but in the next few scenes you're introduced to characters as if you didn't just play a scene with them, or you don't know info you learned in a previous scene, etc). Also a few choices and outcomes don't match up with the scene flowcharts.
- Sometimes after I select a choice it feels like a line or chunk of the conversation is just missing and it's kinda blown over
- If you load to a mini or bonus scene it kinda screws up the game, and it'll pop up again on the map after being completed and you'll have to play it again
And this is just a suggestion but I'd love to see it, can you add flowcharts for the mini and bonus scenes and for the dates? Also it would help to have a complete choice guide with consequences for each choice for those who want to see every ending! Also I'd love to see more of Zion! She's such an interesting character! But I know this might be a lot to ask for 😓
Overall I really enjoyed it and I'm definitely gonna play it again! I really love the characters and it's wonderful how choices early in the game can affect how it ends, it's not often you see a VN that gets this in-depth!
Thanks a lot for the reply :D glad you enjoyed the game and had a fun time with it. It's always interesting to hear what ending everyone got too. I had a lot of fun with Blinki's story especially! And also thank you for the extensive bug report! It's always really helpful to receive these and as soon as I do I make it a priority to go investigate this stuff so I can try and fix everything and get the best version possible out to everyone! Can I ask what version of the game you were playing on previously when you discovered these bugs?
One thing I can tell you is how to get Izzy's second date. Or rather how to get her first date sooner. What you need to do is take her story when searching her apartment in scene 8 and this will open up an option later to see her first date. It is, however, missing from the scene flowcharts and I'll have to add that in.
On the subject of the flowcharts I probably should go through them once more and ensure they're accurate. Some things have changed throughout development and I'd want to make sure it's reflected there as well so I'm adding it to my list to do. I never really thought about adding the bonus and mini scenes to the flowcharts too but I don't see why I shouldn't and that's not too big of a request. I can add that to the list as well.
I'll be investigating the rest of the bugs you reported as well. Some of them like spelling errors and repeating text I know exist, but they're super hard to track down. I need to spend a good long while just combing through the dialogue one day and really nail these down. Some of the others might be fixed like you said, but it doesn't hurt to investigate them anyway just to double check!
Thank you for the feedback! If you decide to play again the current version is now 3_7_1 and hopefully you'll see an improvement in that new build of the game ^^ thanks for the message and the report! It helps a lot and I'm really over the moon to hear when people have a good time! So thanks again! <3
Hey Scylez! It has been several months since I left a comment and it looks like your work has really done well. Like me, your work has really reached a lot of people. I am not surprised. I am still as inspired as I was when I first played this game. Since I played it, I have been writing outside of my main job and I have achieved success again that I never thought I would. I could make a living off of my writing again, and I never thought I would say that again. You are partially to blame for that "shame on you" XP. Anyway my purpose for leaving this comment is to volunteer my services as a writer. I want to get in touch with you personally to give you my credentials (I would prefer to do it there instead of publicly) is there a way I could reach you that would make you comfortable and give you/prove my credentials?
Hey thanks for writing back to me. I'd love to talk with you a little more on the subject and if you'd like to do so privately you can always reach me through email at ^^ Glad to hear you've been having some success with your work. That's awesome! We need more great people making great content like yourself :D
Great game in general. Now I won't lie, at first I was drawn to the game by the promise of lewd scenes, but I quickly fell in love with the engaging story and diverse, unique characters. As of now, I've done all I can in the game so I put it on back of the pile, but maybe I'll come back to it in time. I really enjoyed the game and I am so excited to see what you do next, whether it's additional content, a sequel to the game or something entirely new. Whatever it is, you can be sure I'll be one of the first to jump right on
Thanks! :D With most furry content I always really enjoy adding some lewd content to the mix and I feel like that makes the VN feel more complete in a way, but I also really hoped to make a game with a story that would stand on it's own without the lewd scenes, so I'm glad it sounds like I was able to accomplish it. Thank you for playing and for the kind words. I'm excited about what's coming next as well and hopefully a sequel will be just as fun to make and fun to play too :3 that and a few other projects I'm excited about.
I can answer and tell you a few things planned so far ^^ not an issue.
1. Some of the main cast might show up, but most of the cast is planned right now to be new characters with new stories.
2. If Corsica does appear in the next game, it's assumed the good ending is the cannon ending and Corsica's design will be altered a bit from the drug use.
3. The sequel will happen directly after the first game, with the same player as the first game, however it will be in a different location with a different city and story.
Heya! I haven't played it yet but I'm excited! My reason for commenting is I saw on one of your replies (can't find it again oof) that you'd like a custom soundtrack. I'm a freelance composer with a crap ton of time, if you're interested hmu! My email is
To get Scylez's next date, after scene 2 you select to hang out with scylez to get his first date. If you do this then during scene 9, the game night, let Blinki choose the food. This will cause Scylez to show up the next day and offer another date ^^
And to get more scenes in the minigame you'll just have to keep getting the heart meter to full ^^
Thanks for the kind words and support! I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :D
Sorry if this question is asked frequently Mr.Scylez but i loved you game and the first time i played it was on android. What ever happened to the original android link on the website?
The android version is still available for download ^^ On the game's page if you hit the download button there should be an option for a PC version and an android version. Glad you enjoyed the game! And I'm also glad to know the android version gets some love too x3 I wasn't sure anyone actually played it that way.
Thanks for the very helpful response Scylez would've never known if you didn't mention to me. Cant wait to see what you have in store for the future and ill always keep on supporting this masterpeice my friend.
To get Blinki's second date, you'll first need to see Blinki's first date by telling him he can lean on his friends in Scene 5.
Then in scene 9, let Scylez choose the food and don't tell Blinki that you stole the story if you did. This will prompt him to show up the next day for a second date ^^
I'm glad you had fun and enjoyed the world! I'm definitely planning on making more content like this! A sequel is in the works as well as a few small additions to this game.
Radolf I think is the most tricky to get in the game. Seeing both dates is the best way to gain affection with him. The first date can be obtained soonest by calling him in scene 13 and asking about his personal life. In response he will ask you on a date. The second date can then be seen after scene 17 if you let him speak and stop Kase. Both these dates should grab you a good amount of affection but also by answering certain questions correctly you'll raise your affection with Radolf. A lot of these are obvious after hearing Radolf's reaction if you've picked correctly or not. If you need a specific list I can try to grab one for you.
If you don't mind, I would appreciate a list! And I did got two dates from him, I tried different choices on the dates but I still keep getting 5 points from him
So it looks like you found a bug! D: Something I'm going to get on and fix for the next update, but when I looked into the code it appears some of the affection events for Radolf are missing. I'm going to fix that right away. Thank you for pointing this out! You should be able to properly score Radolf as an the ending love with the next update.
First of all i am a really big fan of your game anything that involves fury's and a way to escape ones own skin and reality is a big triple plus in my book , games like this always get me sucked in and i always begin to wish i was a character in this story and i just cant stop reading, always wondering what will happen next . any ways i have some suggestions if that's ok, to expand your visual novel even further I really hope that there is another chapter to go into this because I really hope that the love and romance that the PC made will continue, maybe even future conflict like trying to figure out that secret dinner party found in the woods and things like that.
also it might be a little far fetched but i think it might be a cool idea to put in a little bit of magic to which ends in the PC getting stuck in Scylez's computer game and Scylez on the outside helping the PC with a little programing.
another thought it might be pretty cool if you put up some thought into character creation and a little bit of a back story like species , size , build (male , female or hem) and sexual preference , and maybe a way to find a job in the city maybe even working at (white eagle effects) with Dracky after the festival
and i don't want to sound too perverted but I hope that there will be some more sexual scenes too and i am also hoping that some of those scenes will lead back to the junkyard and to that dingo letting the PC into the group that the dingo created and an opportunity to also let the PC get railed by all the Xenomorph's big and small , maybe having one pick you out as there favorite and maybe even turning it into a side job , also learning there language so that the PC can talk to them in there native language , maybe even turning it into a mission to help them out any way they can , even getting more people into the circle and get the awareness out , and even try helping out in finding the one that left the sunken ship.
each one of those side story's could be an adventure onto itself and maybe even the friends of the PC as well
i hope i am not over stepping my bounds by suggesting new material i just really love this game that you created and hope that you use some of theses suggestions and that the adventure continues.
Thanks for the long and thoughtful comment! I'm glad you had a good time exploring my game and love hearing about everyone's experience, good or bad, when playing through it!
Something I also love is hearing feedback and suggestions. You're never stepping over your bounds by asking or giving ideas for new features and stories to incorporate. All your ideas are something I could see being added into the game. It'd be neat for the story to continue a little bit beyond the ending, but involving the love interest would be a lot of work since I'd need to do 10 different stories for each character so that's kinda low on my priority list just because of how much work it'd be x3 I'd still really love to do it if possible though!
Character creation has been something that was originally planned for the game, but the feature sadly was dropped (along with money) just because it was a lot more work for me to handle on my own. But sexual preferences could be an easy thing for me to add in right at this moment (gay straight or bi) and giving more player choice is always a good thing. In the sequel I am hoping to incorporate some better character creation that will have an impact on the story, but I won't promise anything yet x3
The other ideas are really neat too for bonus scenes. Especially the Scylez game scene. There's a lot of possibilities for something fun there. And also I have been trying to add in more sexual scenes too ;) I think at the moment there are 16 lewd scenes total to be found in the game, but I have more planned and would love to incorporate more. There are a few characters that I've got some scenes planned, and just need to find a way to incorporate them into the game and write them. To be honest, the entire reason the Xeno's were added into the game was for the idea to have them in a lewd scene XD and I do still have something like that planned. I don't think that's too perverted at all so hopefully I can get that scene added to the game sometime. I think you'll be satisfied with it ^^ The biggest reason why it hasn't been added yet was just because I need to find an artist for it x3
Thanks for playing and the recommendations! I love hearing ideas because I myself don't always know the best things to add or plan for :) plus it's really fun to hear what the players might come up with!
Thank you so much for taking some of my ideas to heart , I am a writer my self and have an imagination the size of Jupiter which means that every time I try to suggest ideas for a game I am playing I am either ignored , banned or have my idea ridiculed or Beaton down because its not a good one, I have high hopes for your game to be a great success and also to be fun and sexy to play too , if you ever need any ideas to bounce off of I am always on looking for something else to play and I bookmarked your site so its the first thing I come to before I go to .
your fan
P.S i still cant get that scene out of my head where the Xeno's where railing that dingo's tail hole and he was just acting like its no big deal ... good job 😜😜😜👌
(Copy pasted from my review on Steam; thought I would leave this here as it seems you (Scylez) are more active on here than on Steam and I don't want to keep this review unknown to you!)
Decided to grab this game on a whim after going for a year without playing a visual novel. I also wanted to seek out any hidden gems that other people would overlook due to this game featuring anthro characters in spades. Due to me finding pieces of media that depicts these kinds of characters empowering when done correctly I thought I would give this game a shot since there was nothing to lose.
Holy mackerel, I've struck gold! Significantly longer than anticipated along with a rich story line and pretty well written characters that have more than enough intrigue to learn all there is to know about them; made romancing and seeing where they end up very much worth it! I also appreciate that this story is very much western rather than eastern/anime like many other anthro/furry visual novels out there; a very pleasant contrast to what I'm acquainted with.
I thought it's really cool how a number of this game's characters are actually other people's fursonas as well; I think that's a cute detail! The artwork didn't grab me at first based on the screenshots, but I found it quickly grew on me and now I think a lot of love and effort went into this game's visuals, especially for a free product! I suppose the only thing I find lacking is the variety in sprites for the side characters such as Io and Angel, but it's understandable that they don't have as much work put into them since they don't have a lot of screen time to utilize them more than a handful of times.
There are some quirks that I think can be looked into/ironed out to really bring this game to the next level, such as:
1. Saving only working to the start of each ingame "scene" rather than saving right on the current screen like in other visual novels (might be easier said than done since this game is made in Unity, but maybe give a heads up how the save system works in the game?).
2. Skipping dialogue by holding down the left mouse button does not seem to stop at unread dialogue; maybe you could add an option to allow it to only skip only seen dialogue? Also, I don't recall seeing any info in the game or the game's page that you're allowed to do this. I think it would be beneficial to let the player know that this functionality exists as this makes subsequent playthroughs much easier to indulge in.
3. I found the music to be fine personally, but I'm a firm believer that a solid original soundtrack can really improve a video game dramatically by itself so it might be beneficial to look into commissioning someone to do that for you for your future projects. Again, easier said than done, but something worth considering!
4. The game does have some grammatical and spelling mistakes which become a bit more noticeable in the latter half of the game, but nothing that stops you from understanding what the game is telling you. A notable example I found is the game going back and forth with the names Seil/Siel and Skalan/Scalan.
5. This may be due to the mechanics not being fully developed just yet, but the only thing that exploration mode seems to allow you to do is trigger a handful of bonus scenes; all the money and clothing you can pick up doesn't seem to have any use, not even for cosmetics given the anonymity of the main character. The bonus scenes are worth seeing as they provide a good bit of extra lore to the games storyline, though!
Overall, this game was a pleasant surprise to stumble upon that tells a really cool sci-fi crime story with romance thrown in! This feels like a steal being free, but I have a lot of respect for creators that put out real quality work for free! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for any news regarding the planned sequel as I'm very interested in seeing where the story heads off from here, and I'll be recommending this to my friends that would really enjoy this kind of game since it deserves more publicity!
You would be correct! I am much more active here than on steam. Seems like the steam version of the game does not generate much attention and also I don't get notified with comments or reviews. But anyway I'm really glad you decided to check out the game! I'd be interested to see what media brought you to the decision :3
I spent a lot of time creating the outline of the story and tbh I didn't know where it'd end up when I started writing it x3 Some of the main characters weren't even part of the story to begin with until it was halfway done being written. But I knew I wanted to include some real fursonas and thought it'd be a fun idea. And still more are being added here and there as new scenes are added. If I could, I'd add a lot more sprites to the game but it just takes me forever to draw x.x that's the biggest bottleneck. But the web version of the game is getting pretty close to max capacity on file size too sadly.
Onto Quirks! And I'm glad to hear this feedback!
Since the game is built from the ground up in Unity, this save system was the "easy" way for me to get it working from the start. And I probably should update that and plan to do so. In the next update, I did give the save system a revamp to allow more slots and an autosave feature. The code behind the scenes got rewritten so it will make it easier and less prone to errors if I do implement a save system that works with the exact line being saved at.
I never gave thought to stopping the skip at unread dialogue. I'd have to brainstorm the best way to do this but it's a good idea. Also it's probably a good idea to add in the controls somewhere and let people know what controls are available. The game can be played with keyboard, mouse, touch, and controller, but I'd be willing to bet not everyone knows some of these quality of life features exist.
I would LOVVEEEE a custom soundtrack. If I ever win the lotto I'd hire someone to redo all the music for this game x3 hopefully in the next one I can have a few custom tunes though. That'd be ideal trust me!
The spelling and grammar is the bane of my existence. Being honest, spelling was one of my worst subjects, so why I decided to write a 300k word VN is beyond me. But Slowly the issues are being found by some very helpful people, and being corrected. (the Seil/Siel and Skalan/Scalan things are just me being really dumb though x3). The spelling is I think the most troublesome and obvious flaw with the game.
Glad you enjoyed the extra bonus scenes though! :3 The money in the game was planned to have a much bigger impact on the storyline but got written out in the end and now it's basically an unused relic with no actual function. I'm not quite sure what to do with it but maybe thought about unlocks being bought with it. Not sure what to unlock, but it's an idea. Clothing does have a small impact on the dateable characters, but the game never tells you this and I should try to find a way to make this more known. I've got an idea to try now!
I really really appreciate the long review you gave both here and on steam. I appreciate the feedback, honesty, and suggestions. I'm eager to get more work done on the planned sequel. Still in the planning stages but hopefully will move along quicker soon! At least all the changes and little fixes that go into the code for the first game will carry over to the second game, so improvements I make now will be reflected in the sequel. Thanks for recommending my game too! I created it out of passion and am simply happy when people play and enjoy it! Doing this is something I love and getting really in depth feedback and comments like yours makes it all worth it! You're awesome and made my day :D
You're welcome, happy to see you take my review in stride! While some of the things I've suggested might be not feasible at this moment in time I do appreciate hearing a creator take them into account all the same.
As for the media, of course there's the slew of Disney properties, Nintendo, and plenty of indie productions that feature anthro characters in one way or another, but I think what gave me a big push recently was the anime Beastars a year prior and BNA: Brand New Animal, with the former quickly becoming one of my favorite animes and the latter while not quite as good was still great especially if you're a fan of Studio Trigger's other works.
Even then, I stumbled into this rabbit hole by pure chance on Steam by browsing for visual novels and finding one called Angels with Scaly Wings (dating sim with dragons) that made me think 'you know, I want to play that game!' partly due to both the unorthodox scenario of the game and seeing it has rave reviews, but also due to dragons being one of my favorite fantasy creatures. After that became one of the best VNs I personally played in years I went out of the way to see if other furry visual novels and some very notable ones being Nekojishi (homoerotic VN with anthro cats set in Taipei), Friendship with Benefits (a bizarre/humorous parody of MLP: FiM that's very NSFW, but has a super intriguing story and solid characters that makes it so much more than other Ao rated games), Changed (not a VN, but tells a really interesting I Am Legend type of story with anthro characters thrown in), and of course your game.
You could probably check these out yourself and take some pointers on how to approach your future works if any of these strike your fancy; a decent way to improve at your craft is partaking in the work of others after all. I find the fact that you decided to make a VN while spelling/grammar is your weakest subject to be pretty admirable since it says you're more than willing to improve on different facets of game design rather than sticking with only one part of the game. You certainly seem you have a good head on your shoulders for this subject so I'll have to keep an eye out for any future projects you come out with down the line. Very happy to know I made your day as well; I can never be sure if others will take kindly to my words so I'm glad to hear that's the case! I wish you luck and to have a great day/night!
Its annoing to lower the volume of the game. Can you make something like a keep volume settings changes? Im sorry if i am too annoing i just want to help...
do you mean volume changes when loading between things like the menu and in game? or volume changes between when the game closes and opens?
And I don't unfortunately have a discord that's actively used at the moment, but maybe in the future I'll start it up and get more use out of it. However I do have a telegram group if you happen to be on telegram ^^
For this game, i would have one last thing to add/correct: In the "More" section, the scene flowcharts are quite blurry and therefore hard to read, i think it would be good to change them with more clear pictures. But no hurry, just do what you like first.
Ahh I can explain this x3 Sadly I had to lower the graphical fidelity of most of the art assets to get the game to run in a browser. The game is very very close to the file size limit and one of the unfortunate results was that I had to reduce the quality of the flowcharts. I have a couple ideas to maybe get them readable in the web version so hopefully one of those works out but in the meantime the PC version has much better quality and non blurry flowcharts, and I believe the android version does too ^^
Thanks for the comment and for playing! Hopefully I can get this fixed too x3
Still very very early in development. It will be a while before any solid progress can be shown but I'll be sure to poste updates on all my profiles everywhere ^^
Ok, what? What's with the weird comments at the end of the game about what I did or didn't do when some of those scenes *never* even came up, so I couldn't possibly have done or not done them? I don't get it.
The comments at the end are simply reviewing all the options that are available in the game. I think it's impossible for anyone to be able to do do everything shown there. It's not a demerit of your performance if you missed something. Those comments are just simply letting you know what paths you did and didn't take ^^
hmm, if if is telling you that you did something that you didn't do it's possible that it's a bug. If you remember what it said you did you can let me know and I'll look into it ^^
It will still be a while before I need testers. Hopefully the coding will go smoothly now that I've got one VN under my belt x3 and I'm not sure 100% on what content will be in the second one but if I need references to the first game I wouldn't say save importation is out of the question.
I'm not sure which engine you're using, but would it be possible to add an option to stop at choices? I'm pressing spacebar to autocomplete dialogue, as I do with any VN (actually I normally mouseclick, but that apparently doesn't work with this engine), but I'm not used to being able to accidentally skip choices and just take whatever the top choice is...
Oh that's interesting. That's an unintended bug that I'll have to look into. I never honestly considered that the space bar would auto click dialogue. The game is made in Unity so it's all coded from scratch and I should be able to make that change. Holding the left mouse down will skip dialogue though and it will stop when an option appears. If you just click the mouse once it will progress the dialogue but of you hold it for about a second then it will start to text skip. Hope this helps! Thanks for telling me about the spacebar issue.
Clicking mouse once to progress dialogue is exactly what I want it to do, but it doesn't seem to do anything whatsoever, which is why I resorted to using spacebar.
[EDIT]: Oh, apparently you need to click *outside* the text box to progress dialogue. I'm used to clicking *inside* the text box.
[EDIT again]: Now that I'm doing it at a slower speed, I see that you... don't actually have autocomplete text. It literally just goes to the next dialogue block, even if the text hasn't finished. I've probably skipped a *lot* of text accidentally that I just had no idea was even there. That could be why the plot has been slightly confusing to me so far...
Ok, I found the option I was looking for. I just wanted Text Speed +. And yeah, I did entirely skip some short pieces of dialogue without even realizing it...
Hey there, I'm Draconis (Drac for short) and i love your game. Played it a bunch, did different things on it, an it was really good. I cant figure out how to get to blinki's second date though because I've been trying to 100% complete it because of how good it was. Do you have a video walkthrough of chasing tail or you guys havent made it yet?
Hey Drac thanks for playing the game! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I don't have any video walkthroughs of it sadly but in the "more options" selection from the main menu there's another option for "scene flowcharts" that will let you know how to get every path in the game. I can let you know how to get Blinki's second date though.
Assuming you saw his first date in the middle of Scene 5, you can get his second date by picking the right options in Scene 9 (game night). You need to either not have stolen Izzy's story, or don't tell Blinki you did. Then later when the choice of food comes up, let the group know you'd prefer Scylez's choice. Him and Jane will leave you and Blinki alone. This small interaction will prompt Blinki to show up the next day and invite you on a second date.
There is a way to ensure this and receive a good ending with everyone present. If you go into the "more options" part of the main menu you can take a look at the scene flowcharts to find specifics on how to achieve this but as a general rule for characters to accompany you to the end you'll need a certain level of affection with them.
Awesome, played every cutscene and both genders. And I've completed the full game, Question, any thoughts on making more games like this? I'd really like to play more.
Thanks for playing and checking out all the scenes! That's awesome :D I'm glad it sounds like you enjoyed everything ^^
At the moment I do plan on making a sequel to this game too with a new story and some new characters and new scenes as well. I have a basic outline completed and am in the process of finishing up my planning and getting some artwork started for it. I don't have a time frame for how long it will take to create another one but with one already under my belt I'm homing the next will go quick and smooth ^^
I can't give a timeline on the sequel really. This game took three years to make but it was all done from scratch in my free time from start to finish. With a sequel, I won't have to do nearly as much programming, and I'm hoping to hire some help with the help of my patreon patrons so the process should go faster and smoother, but I still can't say with certainty how long. It all depends on a number of things that are out of my control.
As for the price, the plans are for it to remain free like with this game ^^
The game is finished and you can play through the main story from start to finish! There also is a NSFW scene with Scylez if you can manage to get his second date with enough affection ;)
In scene 2 you'll need to agree to hang out with Scylez in order to receive his first date. Later in the game during scene 9 you'll need to have Blinki select the food. This will prompt Scylez to show up the next day and invite you on a second date. After that, assuming you have enough affection, you'll be able to initiate the nsfw scene ^^
Hope that helps! If you have any other questions feel free to ask and also you can always check the flowcharts in the "more options" section of the game to see exactly how the scenes connect.
To get the second cutscene, on the game night, you will have to choose blinki to pick the food. Because then Scylez will find your phone and visit your apartment and ask to hang out.
← Return to game
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Aww :3 thank you for such a kind heartwarming comment. I'm glad my game could give you such a worthwhile experience and left you with such a good impression. I always say this but when I hear feedback like this it really makes all the work worth it and is the whole reason I want to make game like this in the first place. I'll take all your well wishes and put all my effort into making the next one even better! Thank you for playing and for giving my game a shot :3
The game is good, but I'm interested. Are you planning to add more paths to the game? For Atty and Nova?
Thank you :) There are a couple plans to add a few more small scenes to the game, but no new major endings. Atti and Nava each have a bonus and lewd scene so it's unlikely they'll receive more content sadly, but not impossible.
Thank you for giving my game a shot!
I stumbled acros this game by clicking on an advertisment...and I absolutly loved it! I rushed trough it faster than i should and ended up with Scylez as final love....but i only got his first date? where did i messed up not to get a second? I really think i missed out something here^^
Yay, gald to know the ad worked XD but I'm even more glad to hear you enjoyed the game and stayed to play until the end. Let's see, in order to get Scylez's second date, you'll first need to see the first date by accepting his invitation at the end of Scene 2. Then in Scene 9 let Blinki choose the food and this will give you some alone time with Scylez. Then the next day he'll invite you on a second date. Hope that helps! And thank you so much for playing and commenting :)
Ahhh...and i thought let Scylez choose so he may like you more, well in that case I know what to do the next time i'm gonna play Chasing Tail. Thanks for replying, and keep up the good work, i will definetly try out more games of yours :)
Sad, you have to choose either bang Liukhalo or meet Willow at the park
I really love the personality and design of all the characters mostly Liukhalo. Was wondering if you could tell me the species of the adorable feline Liukhalo
Thanks! And sorry for the late reply. Liukhalo is supposed to be a rare breed of exotic cat in the game that's not very well known. There was actually some talk recently about giving a little more info on that species in the game world or maybe changing the species name. Nothing official has been done yet, but I would like to make a little more info on him and his species specifically and tie it into the world lore more :)
thanks lol, I always imagined him to be a mix of a Sergal and some sort of feline
is there a way to see the scene flow chat more clearer p.s. very good game
One of the unfortunate side effects of the web version is lower fidelity on just about all the in game sprites and sadly the flowcharts seem to have gotten the worst of it. But on the PC version (and even the phone version I believe) they are much more readable. It was on my list to clean them up a little but I think that might require a re-do of how they're taken care of in game so it's been lower on my priority list sadly. Maybe I'll make them available somewhere else online though soon for this issue specifically.
Also thank you! :) I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Who are all the dateable characters
Characters that have dates and lewd scenes are
Scylez, Drackey, Blinki, Jane, Izzy, Corsica, Kase, Willow, Radolf, Liukhalo
Characters that have only lewd scenes are
Angel, Nava, Mshen, Rickon, Atti, Zen
Hope that helps :)
Heya. Absolutely love the game. 10/10. I'm just curious on how to get the Scylez ending? Is there anything beyond just getting his two dates?
And again. This game is amazing. It gives off a bit of an early 2000s rpg kinda vibe with the world exploring segments. The story is wonderful, and the characters are all amazing. Love all of them. Can't wait for the sequel!
Thank you so much! Really glad and overjoyed you enjoyed the game so much and it's always awesome to hear people's thoughts about it :3 Thank you for playing it, trying it out, and leaving a comment here. It's really fun to read them. There was a lot of thought and planning put into the characters so I'm glad it all paid off! Hoping to make the sequel just as good too and so far I've been having a great time creating the plot and starting the writing. I'm really excited to create the new game and do this whole thing all over again.
The most influential way to get the Scylez ending is seeing both of his dates, however there are a few other factors that can also affect his affection score. If you're playing with the exploration sections, finding some "gamer gear" clothing can boost it a little bit. Staying at his apartment in 1_12, calling the scalie squad neat in 2_1, saying you need a purpose in 9_4, and telling Drackey the truth in 18_4 will also contribute to this. As long as his score is higher than everyone else's you should grab his ending. I hope this helps!
wow, a full month (or more) since the last comment. It's so upsetting that this vn isn't as alive as it used to be.
Don't worry, we're going to do the whole thing again with the sequel :) I'll have the first new update to post hopefully next month and a super bug riddled early look is on patreon (no membership required x3) so we'll ramp everything up again soon!
I love seeing a fan base get reanimated
How do I get Izzy's NSFW scene
What you need to do is take her story when searching her apartment in scene 8 and this will open up an option later to see her first date right after. Then after scene 12 when Izzy invites you to hang out, accept. This leads into the second date. Once on the date, give her the box that Corsica gave you.
Hope that helps!
So my honesty is the problem here thank you for the advice.
Hello! I'm a good fan of this game and have been playing it over and over and was wondering: how do I get to Kase's first date? I assume the second one will come naturally after the first one at some point, but I cannot get to the first one.
Sure I can let you know. The first date will come if you pick the Gym in scene 7. You'll hang out with Kase and play racquetball. The date will only activate if you have enough affection with him, so to ensure this, return his fist bumps, stay and talk with him at the mall, and stand up for Corsica to the other racquetball team. Then his second date will follow scene 17 if you stop Radolf from intruding on your conversation. Hope that helps! Let me know if you need anything else!
Thanks a lot, I really enjoyed that second date heheheheheh... As for the help, I wouldn't mind any tips on how to meet that kind stranger mentioned in the panel that shows which events transpired and which didn't.
As for criticism, all I have to say is, although the story is compelling, I do not find it fit for this type of game. I found that I enjoyed the parts that were more "slice of life" rather than the general stuff that happens (especially in the last few chapters).
Also I think it would be cool if there were more nsfw scenes. Not that I'm saying that there aren't enough, I'm just saying that sometimes, something random and unexpected could happen :3 (outside of bonus scenes).
Anyway, I liked this game a lot, had lot's of fun playing it, and am really excited for the sequel
Thanks :D I'm glad you enjoyed the game enough to give it a shot and write a little review! I understand your criticism too. During production I kinda had two directions I was going in. The "Main Questline" and then side content like the slice of life stuff. I tried to make it an even split between the two. I thought too much of the main quest might feel like a linear experience, but also I was afraid too much slice of life might feel like there's no goal, so I tried to balance it out as much as I could ^^ but all that being said I'm sure there's still preference for one or the other with a lot of people and hope to make a satisfying sequel!
Also yes XD I'd like to add in more NSFW stuff if possible. I had a few plans for some rando occurrences early in the game, and who knows, maybe if I get super ambitious I might still add them in. There are two specifically that I wanted to add, but getting the artwork for them is my biggest roadblock. But now that the game is largely done maybe I'll put focus on having more of that in the sequel.
I have to say that this is an amazing game! Honestly there are very few VN's out there that I have seen that have a good story and good character background but this has both. Looking forward to a sequel, and hoping the second is as good as the first!
Thank you so much for the kind feedback! It means a lot to me. I've got some exciting work done on the sequel and I'm so looking forward to having a blast creating that as well :D I'm really glad you enjoyed the game <3
This game is certainly very engaging with the amount of options that is available. I will be playing this game for quite some time. However, I think as many have commented before, a walkthrough/guide would be nice due to the amount of choices that are available. Looking forward to your sequel and if it is as good as this, I will definitely support you on Pateron when I start working properly.
I've been loving this game it's super fun and detailed as well as super interesting. The only problem I've had is a few of the dialog options have been pretty vague, my best example that I can remember is when Scylez breaks Dracky's ______ and you have "you have a right to be angry." and "try to understand." for me its a mix of both, I'd say "you have a right to be angry but try to understand where he's coming from." so for me it was a split choice but after picking both there was very clear option. So I'd say just try and make them more clear even just a "side with dracky." or "side with scylez." for that one could make it more clear. Aside from that It's a super fun game and i love all the different relationships. :)
Thanks for the feedback and trying out the game! :D I'm really glad you've been enjoying it and having a good time. I've been really ramping up trying to do some bug squishing lately to make it a polished experience. I think I could definitely change those dialogue options to make things more clear. Sometimes it is a little challenging to convey exactly what they'll do and i've gone back and forth before trying to choose the best one XD so this isn't the first time I've had to alter one to make the decision a little more clear. but thank you for the feedback and thank you a ton for playing! <3 It means a lot to hear your feedback and read comments like yours
Its a fine line between giving the reader a nod vs telling them what is said word for word lol. I'm sure you'll strike a balance. aside from that I really do love this game and can't wait to see where it'll end up.
Whoops! I forgot to install the newest update! Some of the bugs I listed have been fixed already,,
Heya! I just finished the game, and I got Blinki's ending, he really is just a precious bean ;^;. I loved it and I'm definitely gonna play it again! But I noticed a few bugs and such
- in several of the scenes right at the beginning of the scene, the text will cut off in the middle of the sentence and repeat it from the beginning of the paragraph (ex. He was a gHe was a good man yada yada).
- the bonus scene where Atti gets a virus is broken (Hero's Hideout's Hero). If you do everything right it'll cut off right before the scene ends and take you back to the beginning of the scene and you get stuck in a loop unless you make different choices
- Izzy doesn't seem to have a second date? Either that or I just can't figure out how to get it. It's also not in the flowcharts. It's really hard to get affection points for her, especially enough to get her ending, but I'll keep trying
- There's a few continuity errors throughout, but these are just minor details (eg you play a scene but in the next few scenes you're introduced to characters as if you didn't just play a scene with them, or you don't know info you learned in a previous scene, etc). Also a few choices and outcomes don't match up with the scene flowcharts.
- Sometimes after I select a choice it feels like a line or chunk of the conversation is just missing and it's kinda blown over
- If you load to a mini or bonus scene it kinda screws up the game, and it'll pop up again on the map after being completed and you'll have to play it again
And this is just a suggestion but I'd love to see it, can you add flowcharts for the mini and bonus scenes and for the dates? Also it would help to have a complete choice guide with consequences for each choice for those who want to see every ending! Also I'd love to see more of Zion! She's such an interesting character! But I know this might be a lot to ask for 😓
Overall I really enjoyed it and I'm definitely gonna play it again! I really love the characters and it's wonderful how choices early in the game can affect how it ends, it's not often you see a VN that gets this in-depth!
Thanks a lot for the reply :D glad you enjoyed the game and had a fun time with it. It's always interesting to hear what ending everyone got too. I had a lot of fun with Blinki's story especially! And also thank you for the extensive bug report! It's always really helpful to receive these and as soon as I do I make it a priority to go investigate this stuff so I can try and fix everything and get the best version possible out to everyone! Can I ask what version of the game you were playing on previously when you discovered these bugs?
One thing I can tell you is how to get Izzy's second date. Or rather how to get her first date sooner. What you need to do is take her story when searching her apartment in scene 8 and this will open up an option later to see her first date. It is, however, missing from the scene flowcharts and I'll have to add that in.
On the subject of the flowcharts I probably should go through them once more and ensure they're accurate. Some things have changed throughout development and I'd want to make sure it's reflected there as well so I'm adding it to my list to do. I never really thought about adding the bonus and mini scenes to the flowcharts too but I don't see why I shouldn't and that's not too big of a request. I can add that to the list as well.
I'll be investigating the rest of the bugs you reported as well. Some of them like spelling errors and repeating text I know exist, but they're super hard to track down. I need to spend a good long while just combing through the dialogue one day and really nail these down. Some of the others might be fixed like you said, but it doesn't hurt to investigate them anyway just to double check!
Thank you for the feedback! If you decide to play again the current version is now 3_7_1 and hopefully you'll see an improvement in that new build of the game ^^ thanks for the message and the report! It helps a lot and I'm really over the moon to hear when people have a good time! So thanks again! <3
Hey Scylez! It has been several months since I left a comment and it looks like your work has really done well. Like me, your work has really reached a lot of people. I am not surprised. I am still as inspired as I was when I first played this game. Since I played it, I have been writing outside of my main job and I have achieved success again that I never thought I would. I could make a living off of my writing again, and I never thought I would say that again. You are partially to blame for that "shame on you" XP. Anyway my purpose for leaving this comment is to volunteer my services as a writer. I want to get in touch with you personally to give you my credentials (I would prefer to do it there instead of publicly) is there a way I could reach you that would make you comfortable and give you/prove my credentials?
Hey thanks for writing back to me. I'd love to talk with you a little more on the subject and if you'd like to do so privately you can always reach me through email at ^^ Glad to hear you've been having some success with your work. That's awesome! We need more great people making great content like yourself :D
Great game in general. Now I won't lie, at first I was drawn to the game by the promise of lewd scenes, but I quickly fell in love with the engaging story and diverse, unique characters. As of now, I've done all I can in the game so I put it on back of the pile, but maybe I'll come back to it in time. I really enjoyed the game and I am so excited to see what you do next, whether it's additional content, a sequel to the game or something entirely new. Whatever it is, you can be sure I'll be one of the first to jump right on
Thanks! :D With most furry content I always really enjoy adding some lewd content to the mix and I feel like that makes the VN feel more complete in a way, but I also really hoped to make a game with a story that would stand on it's own without the lewd scenes, so I'm glad it sounds like I was able to accomplish it. Thank you for playing and for the kind words. I'm excited about what's coming next as well and hopefully a sequel will be just as fun to make and fun to play too :3 that and a few other projects I'm excited about.
Thanks for writing back to me Scylez, really appreciate it.
I have a few questions (or rather questions that transitions into other questions) about the sequel. Hope they aren't too probing
1. Will the main characters of the first game be in it
2. Will there be a rework of Corsia( the end of the game made me think this) or will all the main characters be reworked
3. Will the sequel be a continuation of the first game or something different, like different characters, different city, different story
Or do you not have a solid plan for the sequel yet
I can answer and tell you a few things planned so far ^^ not an issue.
1. Some of the main cast might show up, but most of the cast is planned right now to be new characters with new stories.
2. If Corsica does appear in the next game, it's assumed the good ending is the cannon ending and Corsica's design will be altered a bit from the drug use.
3. The sequel will happen directly after the first game, with the same player as the first game, however it will be in a different location with a different city and story.
Hope that satisfies your curiosity ^^
Thnx for the feedback, can't wait. I already want to play it. ^^
Heya! I haven't played it yet but I'm excited! My reason for commenting is I saw on one of your replies (can't find it again oof) that you'd like a custom soundtrack. I'm a freelance composer with a crap ton of time, if you're interested hmu! My email is
Heya Scylez!
I love your game.. but sadly i cant get further as of date one with your char in the game.. I'd like to have him more bounded to me :(
For the Minigame.. I only had one NSFW picture from the silver dragon.. How to get more of them? ^^
Sincerely Ivo96, a very huge fan of your work from Germany.
P.S: I'm thinking bout to support such a awesome project onto Patreon!
To get Scylez's next date, after scene 2 you select to hang out with scylez to get his first date. If you do this then during scene 9, the game night, let Blinki choose the food. This will cause Scylez to show up the next day and offer another date ^^
And to get more scenes in the minigame you'll just have to keep getting the heart meter to full ^^
Thanks for the kind words and support! I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :D
Sorry if this question is asked frequently Mr.Scylez but i loved you game and the first time i played it was on android. What ever happened to the original android link on the website?
The android version is still available for download ^^
On the game's page if you hit the download button there should be an option for a PC version and an android version. Glad you enjoyed the game! And I'm also glad to know the android version gets some love too x3 I wasn't sure anyone actually played it that way.
Thanks for the very helpful response Scylez would've never known if you didn't mention to me. Cant wait to see what you have in store for the future and ill always keep on supporting this masterpeice my friend.
How to you get Blinki second date?
To get Blinki's second date, you'll first need to see Blinki's first date by telling him he can lean on his friends in Scene 5.
Then in scene 9, let Scylez choose the food and don't tell Blinki that you stole the story if you did. This will prompt him to show up the next day for a second date ^^
hope that helps!
Thank you!
Epic Gamer beats this game!
This game was fun Just that word alone.This was inspiring game and all the other scenes that came with it. I hope you make more content like this.
I'm glad you had fun and enjoyed the world! I'm definitely planning on making more content like this! A sequel is in the works as well as a few small additions to this game.
love this game very for me to get will corsica.
Can someone help me? I've been trying to get Radolf's ending but I always get like 5 affection points on him. Please comment a guide thanks!
Radolf I think is the most tricky to get in the game. Seeing both dates is the best way to gain affection with him. The first date can be obtained soonest by calling him in scene 13 and asking about his personal life. In response he will ask you on a date. The second date can then be seen after scene 17 if you let him speak and stop Kase. Both these dates should grab you a good amount of affection but also by answering certain questions correctly you'll raise your affection with Radolf. A lot of these are obvious after hearing Radolf's reaction if you've picked correctly or not. If you need a specific list I can try to grab one for you.
If you don't mind, I would appreciate a list! And I did got two dates from him, I tried different choices on the dates but I still keep getting 5 points from him
So it looks like you found a bug! D: Something I'm going to get on and fix for the next update, but when I looked into the code it appears some of the affection events for Radolf are missing. I'm going to fix that right away. Thank you for pointing this out! You should be able to properly score Radolf as an the ending love with the next update.
Wait really? I found a bug? I didn't even realized that I did, I thought I was just choosing some wrong choices xD
First of all i am a really big fan of your game anything that involves fury's and a way to escape ones own skin and reality is a big triple plus in my book , games like this always get me sucked in and i always begin to wish i was a character in this story and i just cant stop reading, always wondering what will happen next . any ways i have some suggestions if that's ok, to expand your visual novel even further I really hope that there is another chapter to go into this because I really hope that the love and romance that the PC made will continue, maybe even future conflict like trying to figure out that secret dinner party found in the woods and things like that.
also it might be a little far fetched but i think it might be a cool idea to put in a little bit of magic to which ends in the PC getting stuck in Scylez's computer game and Scylez on the outside helping the PC with a little programing.
another thought it might be pretty cool if you put up some thought into character creation and a little bit of a back story like species , size , build (male , female or hem) and sexual preference , and maybe a way to find a job in the city maybe even working at (white eagle effects) with Dracky after the festival
and i don't want to sound too perverted but I hope that there will be some more sexual scenes too and i am also hoping that some of those scenes will lead back to the junkyard and to that dingo letting the PC into the group that the dingo created and an opportunity to also let the PC get railed by all the Xenomorph's big and small , maybe having one pick you out as there favorite and maybe even turning it into a side job , also learning there language so that the PC can talk to them in there native language , maybe even turning it into a mission to help them out any way they can , even getting more people into the circle and get the awareness out , and even try helping out in finding the one that left the sunken ship.
each one of those side story's could be an adventure onto itself and maybe even the friends of the PC as well
i hope i am not over stepping my bounds by suggesting new material i just really love this game that you created and hope that you use some of theses suggestions and that the adventure continues.
your fan Loyalmutt
Thanks for the long and thoughtful comment! I'm glad you had a good time exploring my game and love hearing about everyone's experience, good or bad, when playing through it!
Something I also love is hearing feedback and suggestions. You're never stepping over your bounds by asking or giving ideas for new features and stories to incorporate. All your ideas are something I could see being added into the game. It'd be neat for the story to continue a little bit beyond the ending, but involving the love interest would be a lot of work since I'd need to do 10 different stories for each character so that's kinda low on my priority list just because of how much work it'd be x3 I'd still really love to do it if possible though!
Character creation has been something that was originally planned for the game, but the feature sadly was dropped (along with money) just because it was a lot more work for me to handle on my own. But sexual preferences could be an easy thing for me to add in right at this moment (gay straight or bi) and giving more player choice is always a good thing. In the sequel I am hoping to incorporate some better character creation that will have an impact on the story, but I won't promise anything yet x3
The other ideas are really neat too for bonus scenes. Especially the Scylez game scene. There's a lot of possibilities for something fun there. And also I have been trying to add in more sexual scenes too ;) I think at the moment there are 16 lewd scenes total to be found in the game, but I have more planned and would love to incorporate more. There are a few characters that I've got some scenes planned, and just need to find a way to incorporate them into the game and write them. To be honest, the entire reason the Xeno's were added into the game was for the idea to have them in a lewd scene XD and I do still have something like that planned. I don't think that's too perverted at all so hopefully I can get that scene added to the game sometime. I think you'll be satisfied with it ^^ The biggest reason why it hasn't been added yet was just because I need to find an artist for it x3
Thanks for playing and the recommendations! I love hearing ideas because I myself don't always know the best things to add or plan for :) plus it's really fun to hear what the players might come up with!
Scylez <3
Thank you so much for taking some of my ideas to heart , I am a writer my self and have an imagination the size of Jupiter which means that every time I try to suggest ideas for a game I am playing I am either ignored , banned or have my idea ridiculed or Beaton down because its not a good one, I have high hopes for your game to be a great success and also to be fun and sexy to play too , if you ever need any ideas to bounce off of I am always on looking for something else to play and I bookmarked your site so its the first thing I come to before I go to .
your fan
P.S i still cant get that scene out of my head where the Xeno's where railing that dingo's tail hole and he was just acting like its no big deal ... good job 😜😜😜👌
(Copy pasted from my review on Steam; thought I would leave this here as it seems you (Scylez) are more active on here than on Steam and I don't want to keep this review unknown to you!)
Decided to grab this game on a whim after going for a year without playing a visual novel. I also wanted to seek out any hidden gems that other people would overlook due to this game featuring anthro characters in spades. Due to me finding pieces of media that depicts these kinds of characters empowering when done correctly I thought I would give this game a shot since there was nothing to lose.
Holy mackerel, I've struck gold! Significantly longer than anticipated along with a rich story line and pretty well written characters that have more than enough intrigue to learn all there is to know about them; made romancing and seeing where they end up very much worth it! I also appreciate that this story is very much western rather than eastern/anime like many other anthro/furry visual novels out there; a very pleasant contrast to what I'm acquainted with.
I thought it's really cool how a number of this game's characters are actually other people's fursonas as well; I think that's a cute detail! The artwork didn't grab me at first based on the screenshots, but I found it quickly grew on me and now I think a lot of love and effort went into this game's visuals, especially for a free product! I suppose the only thing I find lacking is the variety in sprites for the side characters such as Io and Angel, but it's understandable that they don't have as much work put into them since they don't have a lot of screen time to utilize them more than a handful of times.
There are some quirks that I think can be looked into/ironed out to really bring this game to the next level, such as:
1. Saving only working to the start of each ingame "scene" rather than saving right on the current screen like in other visual novels (might be easier said than done since this game is made in Unity, but maybe give a heads up how the save system works in the game?).
2. Skipping dialogue by holding down the left mouse button does not seem to stop at unread dialogue; maybe you could add an option to allow it to only skip only seen dialogue? Also, I don't recall seeing any info in the game or the game's page that you're allowed to do this. I think it would be beneficial to let the player know that this functionality exists as this makes subsequent playthroughs much easier to indulge in.
3. I found the music to be fine personally, but I'm a firm believer that a solid original soundtrack can really improve a video game dramatically by itself so it might be beneficial to look into commissioning someone to do that for you for your future projects. Again, easier said than done, but something worth considering!
4. The game does have some grammatical and spelling mistakes which become a bit more noticeable in the latter half of the game, but nothing that stops you from understanding what the game is telling you. A notable example I found is the game going back and forth with the names Seil/Siel and Skalan/Scalan.
5. This may be due to the mechanics not being fully developed just yet, but the only thing that exploration mode seems to allow you to do is trigger a handful of bonus scenes; all the money and clothing you can pick up doesn't seem to have any use, not even for cosmetics given the anonymity of the main character. The bonus scenes are worth seeing as they provide a good bit of extra lore to the games storyline, though!
Overall, this game was a pleasant surprise to stumble upon that tells a really cool sci-fi crime story with romance thrown in! This feels like a steal being free, but I have a lot of respect for creators that put out real quality work for free! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for any news regarding the planned sequel as I'm very interested in seeing where the story heads off from here, and I'll be recommending this to my friends that would really enjoy this kind of game since it deserves more publicity!
You would be correct! I am much more active here than on steam. Seems like the steam version of the game does not generate much attention and also I don't get notified with comments or reviews. But anyway I'm really glad you decided to check out the game! I'd be interested to see what media brought you to the decision :3
I spent a lot of time creating the outline of the story and tbh I didn't know where it'd end up when I started writing it x3 Some of the main characters weren't even part of the story to begin with until it was halfway done being written. But I knew I wanted to include some real fursonas and thought it'd be a fun idea. And still more are being added here and there as new scenes are added. If I could, I'd add a lot more sprites to the game but it just takes me forever to draw x.x that's the biggest bottleneck. But the web version of the game is getting pretty close to max capacity on file size too sadly.
Onto Quirks! And I'm glad to hear this feedback!
Since the game is built from the ground up in Unity, this save system was the "easy" way for me to get it working from the start. And I probably should update that and plan to do so. In the next update, I did give the save system a revamp to allow more slots and an autosave feature. The code behind the scenes got rewritten so it will make it easier and less prone to errors if I do implement a save system that works with the exact line being saved at.
I never gave thought to stopping the skip at unread dialogue. I'd have to brainstorm the best way to do this but it's a good idea. Also it's probably a good idea to add in the controls somewhere and let people know what controls are available. The game can be played with keyboard, mouse, touch, and controller, but I'd be willing to bet not everyone knows some of these quality of life features exist.
I would LOVVEEEE a custom soundtrack. If I ever win the lotto I'd hire someone to redo all the music for this game x3 hopefully in the next one I can have a few custom tunes though. That'd be ideal trust me!
The spelling and grammar is the bane of my existence. Being honest, spelling was one of my worst subjects, so why I decided to write a 300k word VN is beyond me. But Slowly the issues are being found by some very helpful people, and being corrected. (the Seil/Siel and Skalan/Scalan things are just me being really dumb though x3). The spelling is I think the most troublesome and obvious flaw with the game.
Glad you enjoyed the extra bonus scenes though! :3 The money in the game was planned to have a much bigger impact on the storyline but got written out in the end and now it's basically an unused relic with no actual function. I'm not quite sure what to do with it but maybe thought about unlocks being bought with it. Not sure what to unlock, but it's an idea. Clothing does have a small impact on the dateable characters, but the game never tells you this and I should try to find a way to make this more known. I've got an idea to try now!
I really really appreciate the long review you gave both here and on steam. I appreciate the feedback, honesty, and suggestions. I'm eager to get more work done on the planned sequel. Still in the planning stages but hopefully will move along quicker soon! At least all the changes and little fixes that go into the code for the first game will carry over to the second game, so improvements I make now will be reflected in the sequel. Thanks for recommending my game too! I created it out of passion and am simply happy when people play and enjoy it! Doing this is something I love and getting really in depth feedback and comments like yours makes it all worth it! You're awesome and made my day :D
-Scylez <3
You're welcome, happy to see you take my review in stride! While some of the things I've suggested might be not feasible at this moment in time I do appreciate hearing a creator take them into account all the same.
As for the media, of course there's the slew of Disney properties, Nintendo, and plenty of indie productions that feature anthro characters in one way or another, but I think what gave me a big push recently was the anime Beastars a year prior and BNA: Brand New Animal, with the former quickly becoming one of my favorite animes and the latter while not quite as good was still great especially if you're a fan of Studio Trigger's other works.
Even then, I stumbled into this rabbit hole by pure chance on Steam by browsing for visual novels and finding one called Angels with Scaly Wings (dating sim with dragons) that made me think 'you know, I want to play that game!' partly due to both the unorthodox scenario of the game and seeing it has rave reviews, but also due to dragons being one of my favorite fantasy creatures. After that became one of the best VNs I personally played in years I went out of the way to see if other furry visual novels and some very notable ones being Nekojishi (homoerotic VN with anthro cats set in Taipei), Friendship with Benefits (a bizarre/humorous parody of MLP: FiM that's very NSFW, but has a super intriguing story and solid characters that makes it so much more than other Ao rated games), Changed (not a VN, but tells a really interesting I Am Legend type of story with anthro characters thrown in), and of course your game.
You could probably check these out yourself and take some pointers on how to approach your future works if any of these strike your fancy; a decent way to improve at your craft is partaking in the work of others after all. I find the fact that you decided to make a VN while spelling/grammar is your weakest subject to be pretty admirable since it says you're more than willing to improve on different facets of game design rather than sticking with only one part of the game. You certainly seem you have a good head on your shoulders for this subject so I'll have to keep an eye out for any future projects you come out with down the line. Very happy to know I made your day as well; I can never be sure if others will take kindly to my words so I'm glad to hear that's the case! I wish you luck and to have a great day/night!
Its annoing to lower the volume of the game. Can you make something like a keep volume settings changes? Im sorry if i am too annoing i just want to help...
Scylez do you have discord btw?
do you mean volume changes when loading between things like the menu and in game? or volume changes between when the game closes and opens?
And I don't unfortunately have a discord that's actively used at the moment, but maybe in the future I'll start it up and get more use out of it. However I do have a telegram group if you happen to be on telegram ^^
For example when i am in the game i am doing this:
1.Going in settings and changing volume;
2.Going in my safe and play (everythng is fine)
3.Going out of the safe(i often switch safes)
4.The volume settings are back to 10/10; 10/10.
Btw i found a bug. When you click an empty safe you start the game without a name, race, and settings.
In the 10 2_2 When
Soar tells the others that he called the SPPAhe is barely able to see because ofXalthereon's wings. You should fox that.Wanna send you an image? And gosh you made yourself so cute x3!
oh I think I can make this fix easily. Thanks for the feedback! And thanks for the compliments :3 Cute raptors are the best imo!
For this game, i would have one last thing to add/correct: In the "More" section, the scene flowcharts are quite blurry and therefore hard to read, i think it would be good to change them with more clear pictures. But no hurry, just do what you like first.
Ahh I can explain this x3 Sadly I had to lower the graphical fidelity of most of the art assets to get the game to run in a browser. The game is very very close to the file size limit and one of the unfortunate results was that I had to reduce the quality of the flowcharts. I have a couple ideas to maybe get them readable in the web version so hopefully one of those works out but in the meantime the PC version has much better quality and non blurry flowcharts, and I believe the android version does too ^^
Thanks for the comment and for playing! Hopefully I can get this fixed too x3
Updates on the 2nd Chasing Tail?
Still very very early in development. It will be a while before any solid progress can be shown but I'll be sure to poste updates on all my profiles everywhere ^^
I could test if you need help with it
Thanks for the offer! When the time comes if I need some help I'll be sure to reach out :)
that is like this game
can you make a more of this with longer gameplay also could you make a chasing tail 2 game?
I am working on a chasing tail 2 ^^ so I do plan on making more
Ok, what? What's with the weird comments at the end of the game about what I did or didn't do when some of those scenes *never* even came up, so I couldn't possibly have done or not done them? I don't get it.
The comments at the end are simply reviewing all the options that are available in the game. I think it's impossible for anyone to be able to do do everything shown there. It's not a demerit of your performance if you missed something. Those comments are just simply letting you know what paths you did and didn't take ^^
Ok... But it's also telling me I *did* do things that were literally impossible because I never went on that path.
hmm, if if is telling you that you did something that you didn't do it's possible that it's a bug. If you remember what it said you did you can let me know and I'll look into it ^^
hey would you need a tester for chasing tail 2 also can you add in a import save file from chasing tail into the chasing tail 2?
It will still be a while before I need testers. Hopefully the coding will go smoothly now that I've got one VN under my belt x3 and I'm not sure 100% on what content will be in the second one but if I need references to the first game I wouldn't say save importation is out of the question.
I'm not sure which engine you're using, but would it be possible to add an option to stop at choices? I'm pressing spacebar to autocomplete dialogue, as I do with any VN (actually I normally mouseclick, but that apparently doesn't work with this engine), but I'm not used to being able to accidentally skip choices and just take whatever the top choice is...
Oh that's interesting. That's an unintended bug that I'll have to look into. I never honestly considered that the space bar would auto click dialogue. The game is made in Unity so it's all coded from scratch and I should be able to make that change. Holding the left mouse down will skip dialogue though and it will stop when an option appears. If you just click the mouse once it will progress the dialogue but of you hold it for about a second then it will start to text skip. Hope this helps! Thanks for telling me about the spacebar issue.
Clicking mouse once to progress dialogue is exactly what I want it to do, but it doesn't seem to do anything whatsoever, which is why I resorted to using spacebar.
[EDIT]: Oh, apparently you need to click *outside* the text box to progress dialogue. I'm used to clicking *inside* the text box.
[EDIT again]: Now that I'm doing it at a slower speed, I see that you... don't actually have autocomplete text. It literally just goes to the next dialogue block, even if the text hasn't finished. I've probably skipped a *lot* of text accidentally that I just had no idea was even there. That could be why the plot has been slightly confusing to me so far...
Ok, I found the option I was looking for. I just wanted Text Speed +. And yeah, I did entirely skip some short pieces of dialogue without even realizing it...
I used Steam
Hey there, I'm Draconis (Drac for short) and i love your game. Played it a bunch, did different things on it, an it was really good. I cant figure out how to get to blinki's second date though because I've been trying to 100% complete it because of how good it was. Do you have a video walkthrough of chasing tail or you guys havent made it yet?
Hey Drac thanks for playing the game! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I don't have any video walkthroughs of it sadly but in the "more options" selection from the main menu there's another option for "scene flowcharts" that will let you know how to get every path in the game. I can let you know how to get Blinki's second date though.
Assuming you saw his first date in the middle of Scene 5, you can get his second date by picking the right options in Scene 9 (game night). You need to either not have stolen Izzy's story, or don't tell Blinki you did. Then later when the choice of food comes up, let the group know you'd prefer Scylez's choice. Him and Jane will leave you and Blinki alone. This small interaction will prompt Blinki to show up the next day and invite you on a second date.
I hope that helps!
Thanks man
can you make more like this
I plan on it ^^ with a little help and a little time I'm hoping it will go faster too
Loved the game, absolutely loved it.
<spoilers> (kinda)
Gonna leave this fairly vague because spoilers but is there a way to make sure that everyone makes it out alright?
There is a way to ensure this and receive a good ending with everyone present. If you go into the "more options" part of the main menu you can take a look at the scene flowcharts to find specifics on how to achieve this but as a general rule for characters to accompany you to the end you'll need a certain level of affection with them.
Excellent, thank you and have a great day! (Or night)
Awesome, played every cutscene and both genders. And I've completed the full game, Question, any thoughts on making more games like this? I'd really like to play more.
Thanks for playing and checking out all the scenes! That's awesome :D I'm glad it sounds like you enjoyed everything ^^
At the moment I do plan on making a sequel to this game too with a new story and some new characters and new scenes as well. I have a basic outline completed and am in the process of finishing up my planning and getting some artwork started for it. I don't have a time frame for how long it will take to create another one but with one already under my belt I'm homing the next will go quick and smooth ^^
Thanks for asking! :D
When do you think the sequel will come out and what price would it be?
I can't give a timeline on the sequel really. This game took three years to make but it was all done from scratch in my free time from start to finish. With a sequel, I won't have to do nearly as much programming, and I'm hoping to hire some help with the help of my patreon patrons so the process should go faster and smoother, but I still can't say with certainty how long. It all depends on a number of things that are out of my control.
As for the price, the plans are for it to remain free like with this game ^^
yo is the game done, is there a scylez scene yet,, like I had it on NSFW mode
The game is finished and you can play through the main story from start to finish! There also is a NSFW scene with Scylez if you can manage to get his second date with enough affection ;)
how do I get scylezs scene because I always think I pass it, do I need to downlod it or is it in the web version
It's available in the web version.
In scene 2 you'll need to agree to hang out with Scylez in order to receive his first date.
Later in the game during scene 9 you'll need to have Blinki select the food. This will prompt Scylez to show up the next day and invite you on a second date. After that, assuming you have enough affection, you'll be able to initiate the nsfw scene ^^
Hope that helps! If you have any other questions feel free to ask and also you can always check the flowcharts in the "more options" section of the game to see exactly how the scenes connect.
To get the second cutscene, on the game night, you will have to choose blinki to pick the food. Because then Scylez will find your phone and visit your apartment and ask to hang out.